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Feather Leather

(2008–ongoing / multidisciplinary project)

A collaborative project with Clara Tena.

When Yurie Umamoto and Clara Tena began Feather Leather in New York in 2008 they didn’t know what they had started. Clara was living in Barcelona and Yurie was living in Amsterdam. They were just visiting New York at that time and by chance they met. The first idea of Feather Leather was to develop a creative activity by using the strategy of a ping-pong game, where the players can use any format they please (movement, sound, image, text...) to create a “ping”, send it to someone else and get a “pong” back, or rather, a response based on the reinterpretation and transformation of this initial projectile. I send you a picture, you send me a song, I send you a infinite creative game perfects for our geographically dispersed and cyber-electronic generation.

Feather Leather is an ongoing accumulative process to “share” the moment, “exchange” something and to prove their “meetings”.

Concept / Players: Clara Tena & Yurie Umamoto and guests


With the support of: La CCB (Burg), Antic Theater (Barcelona) and Azala (Lasierra)


Presented in different locations since 2008

Photos: La CCB, Burg


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